

Our Pre-Nursery to Kindergarten Two curriculum has been carefully structured and planned to allow for exploration and discovery (key elements of the EduDrama process) and to establish a firm base for a lifelong love of learning.


Language and Literacy

We use the Oxford Reading Tree from the United Kingdom as our core reading scheme. This wide ranging scheme is supplemented by a selection of fiction and non-fiction works as reading fluency builds. The child progresses to basic literacy skills in Nursery and Kindergarten 1 to an understanding and enjoyment of text during Kindergarten 2. Reading and language are coupled with individual creativity and fluency in writing skills. Conversation, drama and singing are an integral part of our whole language approach to the growth of literacy skills in the classroom.



At Chiltern House, the children are introduced to Maths in a fun way through a variety of activities. Our Maths programme is designed to provide children with repeated opportunities to practice, problem-solve and consolidate ideas and concepts. This will enable them to understand and apply their knowledge in a variety of situations.



In research, we encourage our children to investigate, experiment, observe and apply their knowledge in order to develop a greater understanding of themselves and the world around them. This is cultivated through a variety of thematic, cookery, science and technology-based activities.


Art and Craft

Many areas of our curriculum are expressed through art and craft using a wide range of materials and techniques appropriate to the children’s development. Experiences in art allow children to be expressive, creative and imaginative. The activities stimulate their interest and at the same time develop creative thinking, decision making and problem solving skills. Our teachers provide activities that allow the children to explore and manipulate the tools and materials to develop manual dexterity and better eye- hand coordination in a creative way.


Physical Education

The Chiltern House Physical Education curriculum has been specifically designed by teachers and an occupational therapist to provide an engaging and skill-based programme. Physical Education activities are held once a week where the children not only develop their motor skills; they also learn to cooperate in groups and to work in teams. The skills developed are further enhanced throughout the week as the children have fun in the playground.



We realise the importance of a high standard of spoken and written Chinese to the child entering Primary One. The Chiltern House programme is designed to develop a positive attitude towards learning Mandarin. Our Mandarin teachers converse only in Mandarin providing excellent language role models for the children. At Nursery level, our work is entirely oral, developing ear training and an awareness of sounds. Vocabulary is built through songs, language games, activities and stories. Written work begins in earnest in Kindergarten One as vocabulary builds and extends to story writing in Kindergarten Two.

Bahasa Melayu

A third language, Bahasa Melayu, which is Malaysia’s national language, is introduced from the Nursery 1 level, beginning 2022. The Chiltern House Bahasa Melayu curriculum is designed with songs, language games, and interactive activities to provide the children with an appealing approach towards the learning of the language. Our Bahasa Melayu teacher converses only in Bahasa Melayu, thus providing the children with excellent reference and inspiration. The early introduction of Bahasa Melayu lays a firm foundation for national primary school and beyond.


Speech and Drama

Specialist educators from Julia Gabriel Centre conduct Speech & Drama sessions once a week. The programme offers children the opportunity to master techniques and skills necessary for effective communication. The teachers develop the children’s skills through the exciting medium of drama, developing a love of poetry, using their imagination, story- making, idea-sharing and problem-solving.

At the Kindergarten level, our children work towards the Young Performers Certificate, awarded by Trinity College London. Their work will be presented to a Trinity College London examiner at our school.

“Preparing for this assessment is an extension of the dramatic play led by the speech and drama teacher over the course of the year. The group experience here means that every child in the class can participate and experience success.” – Fiona Walker, Chief Executive Officer and Principal of Schools, Julia Gabriel Education Singapore.

> Learn more about the Young Performers Certificate.


Music and Movement

Specialist educators conduct music and movement sessions once a week, encouraging children to express their creativity as they explore elements of music (dynamics, tempo, pitch, rhythm) through singing, movement, dance, playing percussion instruments and music appreciation. The children have fun using their body, voice and mind to bring about important listening, cognitive and physical connections for the understanding of music. Most importantly, our classes help the children develop a lifelong love for music!


Mindfulness is an integral part of our current Chiltern House programme. We all recognize that in our fast-paced world, especially in this current pandemic, we often struggle to stay focused and be present. Designed by our team in Singapore, Mindful Weeks is integrated in conjunction with special celebrations and events in each school term to help our children embrace positivity, manage their emotions, and develop an understanding and awareness of others. With focus on character education in this positive education movement we strongly advocate for, the children will be exploring kindness, appreciation of family and love, gratitude and friendship, and appreciation and responsibility to care for the Earth.

Project! Project!

This interactive and creative programme encourages exploration and discovery of key areas of pre-primary learning. Children have the opportunity to work with others or individually as they gain a better understanding of the major elements of Maths, Science, Technology and the Arts.

Give and Grow (Sustainability and Gardening)

Through our sustainability programme, we proactively encourage ways for our children to explore nature such as going for nature walks and growing plants in our Sprouting Seeds Children’s Garden plot at the centre. They will learn to protect the environment around them through sustainable practices such as gardening, composting and recycling; and learn how they can preserve the environment by participating in activities such as planning a recycling campaign, researching ways to conserve energy and exploring climate change. By grasping these concepts, children will be better prepared to make positive choices and contribute to a more sustainable future through their actions in the world around them.

Chengzhu Mandarin Centre Programme

  • Chinese Cultural Arts

The Chinese Cultural Arts programme by Chengzhu is introduced to provide additional exposure to focused language activities and regular immersion within the Chinese culture as further encouragement and support for the children develop confident Mandarin communication skills. Music, dance, drama, art, stories, and specific cultural activities such as preparation of traditional Chinese festival foods, are essential in helping the children develop an appreciation and understanding of the Chinese culture.

In 2022, the After School Care programme is introduced across all levels for extended school hours and a later pick-up timing to accommodate the needs of working parents. Following the regular school hours, the children in our After School Care programme enjoy a daily routine which includes playground time, fun tea time, and additional activities such as Math Games, Parachute Play, Research Activities, and Manipulatives – all within a warm and positive environment. To learn more about the admission procedure, click on the button below.